Yoga Corner: Sequence

At United Yoga Montreal, we love to see you in class. But we also hope that your home practice is part of your yoga life as well.

Donna suggests trying this 40-60 minute Balancing and Stabilizing sequence to use when you need it: seasonal transitions, “the Winter blues”, or feelings of stress or depletion. This practice will leave you feeling rejuvenated.

Please note that to get the full benefit of this practice and to witness the changes in your body the postures need to be held for at least 3 minutes. And, if you practice often, this sequence is beneficial once or twice a week.

Balancing and Stabilizing Sequence

1) Supported Balasana 3-6 minutes

Quiets the mind and restores spent energy.

2) Supported Adho Mukha Svanasana 3-6 minutes

Calms the brain, relieves stress and fatigue, energizes the body.

3) Supported Uttanasana 3-6 minutes

Calms the brain, relieves stress and reduces fatigue.

4) Supported Prasarita Padottanasana 3-6 minutes

Calms the brain, relieves stress and reduces fatigue.

5) Salamba Sarvangasana 6-10 minutes

Simultaneously relaxes the nervous system and boosts energy levels. Balances hormones, helps stabilize the mood and calms the brain.

6) Halasana 6 minutes

Simultaneously relaxes the nervous system and boosts energy levels. Balances hormones, helps stabilize the mood and calms the brain.

7) Supported Setu Bandha Sarvagasana 6 minutes

Rests the heart and at the same time gives a feeling of exhilaration. Promotes mental stability and helps in balancing hormones and mood.

8) Viparita Karani 6-10 minutes

A deep calming pose for the nervous system. Rests the heart completely. Calms the brain.

9) Supported Savasana 6-10 minutes

Quiets the mind, relieves stress and reduces fatigue.

Prepared and demonstrated by Donna Read
Donna would like to express gratitude to her teacher, Hart Lazer and to his teachers for their inspiration and wisdom.