Yoga Corner: Sequence

This exhilarating posture is a deep chest, shoulder and hip opener. It helps strengthen and stretch the hamstrings and quadriceps, toning the entire leg to its fullest. It also helps to lengthen the spine and strengthen the neck muscles.

Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana is considered an advanced Back Bending posture. For this reason, it is not suggested to attempt the full posture until previous postures in this sequence can be held comfortably for a sustained amount of time.

Intermediate to Advanced Backbend Sequence
Working towards: Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana

Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana is considered an advanced Back Bending posture. For this reason, it is not suggested to attempt the full posture until previous postures in this sequence can be held comfortably for a sustained amount of time.

Supta Virasana:  5 minutes

Adho Mukha Svanasana:  5 breaths

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana:  5 breaths

Adho Mukha Vrksasana at wall:  5 breaths

Adho Mukha Svanasana:  10 breaths

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana:  10 breaths

Adho Mukha Vrksasana at wall:  10 breaths

Lunge with back foot at wall:  10 breaths each side and repeat 2x

Pincha-Down Dog:  5 breaths, repeat 3x – bring elbows closer to feet each time if possible

Pincha Mayurasana at wall:  10 - 15 breaths

Urubangasana variation 1:  10 - 15 breaths each side

Urubangasana variation 2:  10 - 15 breaths each side

Salamba Sirsasana in Viparita Karani on chair - Option 1 – feet at wall with belt around elbows:  5 minutes  OR >>

Salamba Sirsasana in Viparita Karani on chair - Option 2 – feet over hips:  5 minutes

Shoulder Prep variation 1:  2 - 3 minutes

Shoulder Prep variation 2:  2 - 3 minutes

Shoulder Prep variation 3 – block at hands:  15 breaths, repeat 2x

Viparita Dandasana supported on the chair varitation 1 – arms overhead with palms up:  2 - 3 minutes

Viparita Dandasana supported on the chair varitation 2 – arms overhead with palms down:  2 - 3 minutes

Viparita Dandasana supported on the chair varitation 3 – Viparita Dandasana arm position:  2 - 3 minutes

Ustrasana with legs and pelvis at wall:  10 breaths repeat 3x

Ustrasana with straight arms overhead and hands walking down the wall towards Kapotasana:  10 breaths, repeat 3x – going lower each repetition if possible

Supported Kapotasana prep in the chair - option 1 – belt at feet and hands grasping belt: X breaths

OR >>

Supported Kapotasana prep in the chair - option 2 – hands reaching chair legs and a block at knees: X breaths

Supported Kapotasana Prep with high block at shoulder blades - variation 1:  3 minutes

Supported Kapotasana Prep with block at shoulder blades - variation 2 – Begin to lift the pelvis and lower the wrist, forearms, elbows and crown of the head to the floor:  10 - 15 breaths

Urdhva Dhanurasana - block at inner thighs close to the knees:  10 breaths, repeat 3x

Urdhva Dhanurasana with Pincha arms and crown of the head off the floor:  10 - 20 breaths

You did it!

Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana:  10 - 20 breaths

Counter postures and cooling/calming postures

Parvrrita Upavishta Konasana:  2 - 3 minutes each side

Counter postures and cooling/calming postures

Supported Upavishta Konasana (Forward Bend):  5 - 10 minutes

Counter postures and cooling/calming postures

Salamba Sarvangasana in Viparita Karani variation on a high block:  5 minutes

Counter postures and cooling/calming postures

Supported Savasana with calves on chair and blanket for back of head:  5 - 10 minutes

Prepared and demonstrated by Donna Read
Donna would like to express gratitude to her teacher, Hart Lazer and to his teachers for their inspiration and wisdom.